21st of May 2023 under judge Sandra Piscedda, IT. First time in official junior class.
Excellent, 3rd in class.
Critique: 9,5 months. Nice feminine. Nice head. Correct bite. Nice dark eyes and expression. Good earset. Strong neck. Well set in prominent forechest. Good front angulation. Firm back and loin. Good rear angulation and chest development in 3D. Good movement. Needs more confidence in the ring.
22nd of April 2023 under judge Laurent Heinesche, LU. Last time in puppy class.
BOS Puppy.
Critique: Feminine outline with nice proportion + substance. Nice head. Excellent profile line. Well set ears on a good shaped skull. A bit straight in front. Nice top + underline. Minimal rear. Nice tailset + carriage. Very nice crest (ridge). A bit loose in front. Side movement should be much more fluent.
Saba was at her second inofficial show on the 25th of March 2023 under judge Eva Jönsson, SE.
BOB Puppy, 3rd in group.
Translation of critique: Well-put together 8 month bitch. Very feminine head with well worn ears. Beautiful expressions. Good neck. Well-developed front. Well-shaped ridge of enough length. Excellent bone structure. Good movements. Needs a little more confidence.
Saba’s was at her first inofficial show on the 15th of January 2023 under judge Susanne Segersten, SE.
Translation of critique: Appealing totality. Feminine head. Dark eyes. Good ears. Well bodied for her age. Very good angles, front ; hind. Marked forechest. Flowing movements. Great coat & color. Need more ring training, unfortunately I can’t touch her today hence no HP.